
STEAM Initiative


SJEDS is a school that integrates S.T.E.A.M. (science, technology, engineering, art and math) activities into our daily curriculum at all grade levels, allowing all students to benefit from program enhancements that culminate in a truly unique learning experience.

Our students are constantly given opportunities to create, collaborate and communicate about exciting and engaging STEAM activities.

The love of science at SJEDS is fueled by rich curriculum, vast resources and passionate faculty. In addition to two dedicated science labs on campus, all students have access to Lego robotics, 3-D models, ample equipment and integrated technology. Each year, families attend our Extreme Science Expo as part of the annual science fair. This highly popular event  includes hands-on activities for children of all ages.

Lower school students take to classroom gardens and the playground for real-world science experiments and visit the Sunshine Science Lab for exciting hands-on lessons. Research projects begin in first grade with “bug reports.” Students learn how to search  through reference books and online for scientific data. They present an insect model and research findings via PowerPoint using classroom SMART Boards.

Our upper school science lab is fully equipped with numerous engineering, designing and modeling tools and equipment. Students take part in live video conferences with real-world scientists and have daily “show and tell” sessions.

Our upper school students also benefit from our Inspire! series, in which S.T.E.A.M. professionals take to the classroom to engage and inspire students to think about real-world concepts. Through this series, our students are exposed to a variety of professions, including nephrology, beekeeping, information technology and architecture, just to name a few!

A student’s tenure at SJEDS culminates in the annual sixth grade ecology trip to Kanuga, North Carolina. During this week-long retreat immersed in nature, students come together in fellowship, explore the glory of God’s creation and bond in lifelong friendship.