Lunch Program
San Jose Episcopal Day 2022-2023 registration- new & returning parent web postingSchoolhouse Fare is our lunch program provider. Schoolhouse Fare provides a turnkey school lunch program to schools across the nation. The lunch program features a secure, convenient and user-friendly online lunch order and payment program. Schoolhouse Fare offers a menu with a variety of choices each day of the school week. To provide these quality lunches, popular family restaurants have been carefully selected to prepare and deliver the fresh lunches.
How to order: Please see the following flyer which provides directions on how to set up your lunch account and place orders. Schoolhouse Fare Flyer.
ORDERING DEADLINES: The order deadline for full lunch menu is 5 days prior to the lunch delivery date. (For example, to order for Monday delivery, please order by the Wednesday prior.) In addition, there is a limited LATE ORDER menu which is open until noon the day prior to the lunch date. Please see the This week at SJEDS email for the password.
Other questions? Please visit Schoolhouse Fare’s website for answers to frequently asked questions.